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Posted by on May 14, 2010 at 11:33:27:

Even if you don't have a website, you can still make money online with Hubpages and while doing this, you could be at your home watching tv or doing some sport.

If you still think that it is not possible to start making money online by writing, then it's time you started thinking differently. The internet is making it much easier and possible for people like you and me to make money online and make it recurrently even while we are sleeping. It is like a virtual presence which you've created for yourself. I have found out that making money is quite easier with hubpages for the following reasons:

- You don't have to own a website
- All you need to do is write articles
- You can receive your earnings, even in Nigeria

There are already many people who are making dollars daily from partnering with Hubpages, I call them Nigerian hubbers. If you are not yet a hubber, then what you need to do is to go over to Hubpages.com and sign up as a member.

If you know anyone who is into Yahoo Yahoo, perhaps you can then teach them a more honourable way of making money online by using their writing skills to cash foreign cheques in Nigeria. Move them over to Hubpages.com too. It can be fun when more and more Nigerian youths become hubbers.

Making a Hub and publishing it
To hub is to write, yes and write a very good article that brings users to your page.

Once you start hubbing, you are already on the road to making your first dollar
online. Becoming a hubber means that you would write an article. You can write as many posts or articles in your account and publish it immediately. You may also save it for publishing it later. Publishing means making it available for the whole world to see. You can write a hub and save it but then only you have access to it. But once you publish it, it is then available on the internet as a web page. It is advisable that after you must have written a good hub, to save it, review and proof read it first before publishing it. Once published, it becomes a potential means of making money from online advertising.

How then do you start making money from Hubpages?
Once you have written many hubs, you are already on the way to make money with it.

Your hub is worth something. It would not be nice if you put all that effort into writing many good articles and yet do not get any compensation from it. Hubpages understand that the labourer deserves his wages and so provides members the ability to make money from their hubs. So how do you really make money from it? The answer is simply by monetizing it. Monetizing means that you have to commercialize it in any way you see possible.
Hubpages allows you to monetize it from within your account by:

- Allowing the display of online advertising from networks like Google adsense
- Using it to promote products as an Amazon afilliate
- Promoting your own products and selling it online
- Promoting other affiliate products using your account and links

The easiest and most recommendable way for making money from your hubpages account is by using Google adsense. All you need to do is log into your account and then:

myaccount--> Affiliate settings --> enter your google publisher code

You will see that in the affiliate settings, there are quite a number of programs from which you an make money with and so it's not limited to Adsense. There is Amazon, Ebay, Kontera but I'm only recommending that you use Adsense.

Note: If you don't have a Google adsense account, yet, first you need to publish many good hubs and then go over to Google adsense website and register as a member., with your account then you will be able to like it to hubpages.

How to track your earnings
Since you must have published a lot of hubs, I' recommending like 500, you can be keeping a track of your earnings from adsense by going to Google adsense and creating a url channel for your hubpage account. You can create many mini url channels for each of your hubs so as to be able to track the ones that bring you more income

How to improve your income from adsense
It is all about url tracking. Once you know your most popular and profitable topic, all you need to know is that your hub has an advantage in that area and you could rewrite more posts around that same topic and this will increase traffic to you hubs and thereby make you more money from clicks and impressions

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