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Posted by
Felix Okoli on Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 9:38:26:

Alertpay is an online payment processor I support very much as well as Liberty reserve which most people in Nigeria use for Forex trading. Alertpay actually has a lot more user across the world and although there are various ways to fund your Alertpay account from Nigeria, they don't really accept fund transfers from a Liberty reserve account and likewise LR doesn't accept transfers from an Alertpay account. So, how do you transfer funds from an Alertpay account to Liberty reserve? Well, after much Googling and first hand experience, I got to know how to do this easily using an exchange service available on the web.
Introducing the Exchange ZoneExchangeZone (EZ) allows users to exchange Liberty reserve for Alertpay funds.
The website located at exchangezone.com offers members free registration and allows one to make and accept offers for a variety of digital currencies besides just Liberty reserve or Alertpay. You could as well excahnge Alertpay for Paypal and Paypal for Liberty reserve according to how it suits you and if there is another person making an offer. But for Paypal, you will not be able to bid or make offers on it if you are resident in a non-Paypal country.
Personal Experience with EZ I tried using the service on Monday and it really worked fast. Here is my experience:
I wanted to exchange Liberty reserve for AlertPay in order to see how the process works and since I had like $8 in my Liberty reserve account
- I searched for offers on EZ and found a $6 Alertpay offer for a $6.50 LR
- I bid on it and immediately was taken to transfer the funds to EZ account who will hold onto it till I confirm receipt from the seller
- Within a few hours the seller sent fund to my Alertpay account
- I logged into Alertpay to confirm the receipt and that it had not been reversed
- I also logged into my EZ account and confirmed that I have received the funding
- EZ will tHen fund the sellers account after holding my fund for seven days.
How I think it worksThe way I understand this works is that when someone like a buyer wants to buy currencies, he pays first to EZ who will hold the funds for a while, the seller then sends the funds to the buyer who will later confirm to EZ tat he has received the funds. EZ will then release the funds to the seller after holding it for a while like seven days. I think it is somehow designed to protect buyers who pay first after making a bid on an offer. So if you are a buyer of such digital currencies on Exchange Zone, you will be give almost immediate access to the fund depending on how fast the seller sends it to you. The sender will probably send it as soon as he learns of your acceptance in order to reduce the time he has to wait to receive funds from EZ.
This is a very good service and probably the cheapest. It affords people the ability to exchange their currencies without much margin and affordable costs. You could even exchange $100 AlertPay for a $100 Liberty reserve and the only fees you may pay are the ones AlertPay or Liberty reserve charges you.