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Posted by on Saturday June 1, 2013 at 9:0:53:

The current and largest web search engine in the world is Google and lots of people who own websites would like to at least have their websites recorded by Google.

When people for products, services of just information, they tend to do it first with search engines like Google and this has made the website one of the most visited sites in the world.

What search engines like Google tend to provide are what we refer to as search results which are normally taken from records the search engine already has collected by means of search robots/bots otherwise known as spiders and in the case of Google it is the Googlebot.

Google's spider has to first of all search for websites by following links and then start indexing them one by one and hence increases its records. There is however a limit to how fast it can go since there are many websites and so in most cases, Googlebot needs some sort of help or direction.

Since Google understand that Googlebot may not be able to get records of all website existing in cyberspace, it also provides webmasters with tools that would enable them to simply submit their websites to their database.

This is a blog post on how I was able to get a completely new website into Google's search results within 24 hours.

By default, mos new websites don't get indexed into Google's search records until after 6 months and if you are the kind of person who wants immediate results, 6 months may seem to be a very long time to wait. It would do you better if you simply just make use of Google's webmaster tools.

My experience goes like this:

I registered a domain name on teh 31st of May 2013 and immediately setup my websit, added come content and it already had about 12 web pages.

After that, I also created an xml sitemap as well as a feed url. I then proceeeded to Google's webmaster tools and logged into my account and then added those xml files.

Once my sitemap was added to Google, it showed that I have added 12 pages and it seems Googlebot had already started indexing my site.

After I checkout my site's url on Google on the 1st of June 2013, I noticed that all my webpages for the new site were already indexed and some of them were even showing up on the first page for my main keywords.

If you've added your website's sitemap to Google and want to check if it has been indexed, simply search for site:website-url e.g. site:multidox.org and you'll see a listing of your webpages if they have been recorded by Google or any other search engine.

I think making use of a sitemap and a well linked website together with your Google webmaster tools is one of the quickest ways to get your website into Google. However, even if you didn't submit your site to Google, chances are that your site would still get indexed when Googlebot finally visits i but it may take some time.


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